
A Brief Guide to Clinical Decision Support System

  What exactly is meant by the term "Clinical Decision Support" (CDS)?  The term "clinical decision support," or "CDS," refers to a system that provides clinicians, staff, patients, or other individuals with knowledge and information that is specific to them, which is then intelligently filtered or presented at appropriate times in order to improve health and health care. CDS comprises a number of different applications that aim to improve clinical workflow decision-making. These tools include computerized alerts and reminders to care providers and patients, clinical guidelines, condition-specific order sets, focused patient data reports and summaries, documentation templates, diagnostic support, and contextually relevant reference information. Other tools in this category include information that is contextually relevant. Clinical Decision Support Promoting Patient Safety Clinical decision support, medical decision support system, CDS has the potential t...

HEART Score: What is It and What is Its Major Purpose?

The HEART stands for five elements, including the history of the patient, ECG abnormalities, age of the patient, risk factors exist, and troponin measurement. These elements are the major parameters to determine the HEART score of a patient with chest pain in the emergency ward. What is the HEART Score?   The HEART score can be described in two distinct ways, including: A Procedure: The HEART score is a clinical procedure in which specialized health professionals examine the heart health of the patients with chest pain based on their health history, ECG abnormalities, age, risk factors, and troponin measurement. This procedure is conducted within the health centers to risk-stratify the heart patients in high, medium, and low-risk categories.  A Numerical Score: The HEART score is also defined as a numerical score that is given to patients with chest pain. This score is determined based on the examination of the five elements we have listed above and can be calculated manu...

Penile Agenesis: Definition, Causes, Impact, and Treatments

  Penile Agenesis is the rarest of rare birth defects that occur in males. According to healthcare, this is found only 1 in and around 10 to 30 million births. So far, only around 70 cases of Penile Agenesis are reported or published across the world.  Definition of Penile Agenesis   Penile Agenesis is also referred to as many other names, including Aphallia. Aphallia is a term taken from the Greek where "a" refers to "not" and "phallia" for phallus (penis). This means the absence of the penis.  Penile agenesis is an extremely rare disorder associated with urogenital anomalies. It is a congenital malformation characterized by the complete absence of the penis in a male infant. Mostly, this is compatible with life while in some complex form cases, it can be incompatible with life.  In most cases, penile agenesis is associated with absent urinary meatus and urethral atresia, but some cases might have urethra and meatus like a normal male. In some cases, cau...

What is Barthel Index and What is it Used For?

  Barthel Index (BI) is an ordinal scale that measures the performance of disabled people, aged people, stroke patients, and patients with chronic disability in activities of daily living (ADL) and mobility. This scale uses ten or fifteen variables of ADL and mobility to measure the dependency and the severity of disability in the patients. The format of ten variables is used the most.  The ten variables associated with ADL and mobility include: Bowel Control Bladder Control Assistance required with grooming  Assistance required with toilet use  Assistance required with feeding  Assistance required with transferring (such as moving from chair to bed)  Assistance required with walking  Assistance required with dressing  Assistance required with climbing stairs  Assistance required with bathing Each of these ADL and mobility variables are given a score based on the performance of the patients. The patients are given tasks based on these ten var...